Spazio al SUD 2015
“SPAZIO al SUD ( emphasize the south)” is an event, conceived and organized by the „“Arte & Cultura a Taormina”“ chaired by MariaTeresa Papale.
It offers important cultural events, all free-entrance, in a project that aims to give visibility to artistic realities of Southern Italy.
The event offers the „Personal“ painting of Carlo Malacarne, leading artist of Italian contemporary art. The exhibition, which opens Wednesday, July 15 at 6:30 pm in the magnificent location of the Baroque Carmelite church with about forty works exhibited – including some dedicated to Taormina – will be open every day, including holidays. Schedule 10:30 am /12: 30 am and 6:00 pm/ 10:00 pm. It will end on Saturday, August 1st at 10:00 pm.
After the summer break, the „Literary Café“ will resume its meetings as a guest of the Hotel Isabella, Saturday, October 10 at 6:30 pm by presenting the young writer Demetrius Verbano from Calabria and his „“L’attimo eterno (The eternal moment).“ October 24 will be presented „“La solitudine di un riporto by Daniel Zito from Syracuse. On November 7, at 6:30 pm: „The lawyer’s bag“ Giuseppe Quattrocchi from Messina.
On November 21, at 18:30, it will be the turn of Cristina Marra, creator of the „Festival del Giallo“ of Cosenza and curator for Falco Publisher collections „Wind Noir“ and „Pet Noir“. The latter anthology features the signature of thirteen authors, including Mimmo Gangemi, Margherita Oggero, Assunta Morrone, Bruno Morchio who, each with its own style, have created engaging short stories noir.
Saturday, December 5, at 6:30 pm, Paul Sidoti, man of the theater, writer, director, mime in Paris, will present „lava rock“ of Algra Publisher. And with this presentation „Literary Cafe“ goes to the end and so “SPAZIO al SUD” 2015.